News & blog
Posts tagged "Bridget and Adrian Plass"
Here are all the News & blog posts on this site which have the tag "Bridget and Adrian Plass":
Bridget and Adrian Plass talk to Patrick Baker about their involvement in bringing Scargill House back to life Our Resurrection Years – An interview with Adrian &…
Posted on 16 March 2016
Tagged: Adrian Plass, Bridget and Adrian Plass, Patrick Baker, Resurrection, Woman Alive
So, one final blog on 2 Kings 5. It is a story of healing, grace, unexpected unsung heroes, and a surprising answer to a tricky…
Posted on 30 August 2015
Tagged: Anna Andersson, Bridget and Adrian Plass, Elisha, Jesus, Naaman, Pathway, Promises, Scargill Community, scargill movement, The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass - the Church Weekend