The Community at Scargill welcome you for a refreshing and fun Christian retreat or holiday in the spectacular Yorkshire Dales.

We learn, laugh and eat together, bringing refreshment and spiritual growth to churches, groups and individuals, of all faiths and none.

A place of hospitality and welcome

We love to welcome you to our home at Scargill. So bring your slippers, the tea and cake will be ready, and you can be assured of a warm Scargill welcome.

Let’s be clear – absolutely everyone is accepted at Scargill (yes, that’s you), whether you’re young or old, doubter or believer, whatever your ethnicity or heritage, gender or sexuality.

Brother Roger of Taizé wrote “God invites to make life beautiful for those he entrusts to us” and that is what we promise to try our very best to do!

A place of joy and laughter

At Scargill you may well hear the sound of people enjoying themselves. We are a community who laugh, and we hope that our laughter is infectious.

Underneath the jokes and the tomfoolery is a deep desire to live as people of joy. Laughter will pass, but deep joy will sustain us through the storms of life. We hope that when you spend time with us, you will fully understand that the God who breathed life into the Universe delights in you.

A place of stillness

Whether it’s in the quietness of the chapel or the solitude that can be found in the walled garden, Scargill is a place to slow down and be.

A rhythm of prayer provides a gentle heartbeat to the life of the community, and we invite you to slow down with us, to be still and attentive to that gentle heartbeat.

A place of beauty

Sit back, relax and take in the view … wow, what a view it is!  

We’re fortunate enough to have been gifted a spectacular part of creation to call our home. We want to keep it like that for generations to come, so we’re doing all that we can to care for our environment. Through our biomass boiler, our wildflower meadows, our bees and our electric car charging points, we are trying to tread lightly. These peaks and dales will outlast us all, so let’s marvel at their beauty and hand them on in all their glory.

A place of listening and learning

We have a great programme of speakers who come and share their wisdom with us and our visitors. We learn much from them, but it is often in the listening between the words that we learn the most.

Our experience is that when we slow down and listen deeply and attentively, the Spirit of God speaks to us – not through the wind, the earthquake or the fire, but in a gentle whisper.  Come and listen with us and you will learn much.

So, would you like to come and stay?