We are pleased to be able to share our findings from the Research Project undertaken last year.
In February 2016, seven years on from the opening of the resurrected Scargill to guests, the Scargill Council believed this was an opportune time to reflect on the values of the Scargill movement, explore the impact that Scargill has had on those who have been involved, from first time guests to members of Community and Council, and look towards possible future developments.
A Research Group was formed and considered different ways of approaching the research but in the end decided on a questionnaire which would be available in bedrooms at Scargill and on-line through Survey Monkey. An article was also published in Momentum informing people what was happening and inviting participation. Having looked at the merits of designing different questionnaires for different groups, we decided on a common format as this would simplify the comparison of results. We recognise than in so doing we forfeited the opportunity of exploring in greater depth particular questions relevant to different groups of respondents. For instance we would have liked to explore in more detail with Companions what the Rule of Life meant to them and how they might be better supported in their commitment to it. However, we believe that some of our unasked questions have been addressed in some of the responses.
The questionnaire was adapted slightly for current community and community responses have since been fully integrated into this report. The children’s questionnaire recorded their responses and is discussed in chapter five. The large number of responses (285) reflects in itself the commitment of so many to what God is doing at Scargill.