Gordon Dey , Brendan Bassett & Phil Stone

This is an online-only event.

[This is a hybrid event with guests both online and in-house. See also in-house.]

Can you imagine what a ‘Simpler, humbler, bolder Church’ would actually look like? What might our lives, our discipleship, look like if we personally took these words to
heart? The Archbishop of York spoke of these words a few years back and maybe his three words crystalise a vision that mirrors the life of Jesus and that the church needs to revisit. We would love to celebrate stories where this vision is being lived out, as well as identifying the barriers that get in the way of a ‘Simpler, humbler, bolder church’. Come and join us on this adventure through
worship, prayer, teaching and conversation as we travel together on what could be a transformative journey. Leading us in this adventure will be Gordon Dey, Brendan Bassett and Phil Stone from Scargill – all three connected to Jesus Shaped People. We hope to be joined by other speakers during the week.

Bookings for this event will close on Sunday 2nd February at 14:00.

Session times:

Mon 3rd Feb:

7:45pm for 8-9pm Welcome and Session 1

Tue 4th Feb:

10:00am worship and Session 2

11:30am Session 3

Wed 5th Feb:

10:00am worship and Session 4

11:30am Session 5 [also opportunity to join 4:30pm livestream evening prayer]

Thu 6th Feb:

10:00am worship and Session 6


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