Online Conferences

Holy Week & Easter Family Resources

Welcome to our Holy Week and Easter Family Resources page.

Each day, you will find a Bible reading, memory verse and prayer focus, along with a list of activities that you could do related to these. Most activities have hyperlinks to instruction pages freely available on the internet that we’ve checked out for you to save you time. We’re even happy to send you a set of resources that you might not have at home to enable you to do the activities suggested. If you want the resource pack, please send an email with your postal address and number of participants to by Thursday 25th March.

On Easter Saturday we’ll be running a Zoom “Cook-Along” where we’ll show you how to make an edible Easter Garden – do sign up by Thursday 2nd April if you want to take part.

Palm Sunday

Activities to choose from:

Make palm leaves to wave

Make a donkey from paper plates (these are wonderful and definitely worth a look – scroll down a little to find the instructions)

Do a crossword or word search

Do praise jumps (like star jumps) while shouting the memory verse

Have piggy back races (make sure an adult is OK with this)

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Activities to choose from:

Scratch bracelets (from resource pack) – scratch your own designs onto the black side of the bracelet. Try to think of something that will remind you of Jesus

Make Jelly bean bracelets

Make a prayer pyramid

Colour this picture

Create your own dance moves to Every Giant will Fall by Rend Collective

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Activities to choose from:

Blindfolded Lego Path – create a pathway with lego (or other easily moved objects). Blindfold 1 person. They have to get to the end of the path, guided by someone else’s voice.

Make paper lanterns – you could write the Bible verse on them if you wish

Colour the bookmark from the resource pack

Make a bookmark from this link or design your own

Design your own game based on light or paths

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Activities to choose from:

Plan and carry out a random act of kindness – do something for someone or give something away without expecting anything in return.

Super-Hero challenge – do some jobs around the house to help out, but do them at high speed like a like a super hero

Make a paper flower or two to give as a gift

Invent a new cocktail for a family member who needs a break. Try lemonade, lemon juice and a fresh orange.

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Maundy Thursday

Activities to choose from:

Bread making – here are two recipes you could use: bread in a bag or simple recipe

Hand or foot washing prayer activity

Decorate a table for your evening meal – fancy napkin folding (try these crowns) and proper place settings for everyone

Use the Blob sheet of your choice (Feast or Supper) from the resource pack – talk about the pictures & colour them if you wish

Last chance to sign up to join the Cook-Along

Watch an animated version of the Last Supper

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Good Friday

Activities to choose from:

Follow the Scargill Walk-around found on the home page from 10am

Make a woven cross (also known as God’s Eye)

Create this prayer cross and add prayers to it over the weeks

Make a sorry card for someone you need to apologise to

Write a poem to express how you feel about what happened on Good Friday

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Activities to choose from:

Sit outside for 10 minutes and write down everything you can hear

Plant some seeds and be patient while they grow

Create your own Easter Garden

Use the Blob Sleep sheet from the resource pack – talk about the pictures & colour them if you wish

Attend the Scargill Cook-along (if you’ve signed up)

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Easter Sunday

Activities to choose from:

Watch an animated version of the Easter Story

Create an Easter Egg hunt for your whole family

Hard boil some eggs and decorate them then roll them down a hill or play this game with them

Play hide and seek

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We’re happy to send you a set of resources that you might not have at home to enable you to do the activities suggested. If you want the resource pack, please send an email with your postal address and number of participants to by Thursday 25th March. There’s no charge for the pack, but if you do wish to give a donation, then please see details on this page (it will cost us approximately £3.50 to send you a pack, depending on how many children you have.)

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