Epiphany Team

An opportunity to explore creativity in fresh ways. We look forward to welcoming you to a creative retreat with Epiphany’s musicians, who are joined by artist, Tamara Jackson. Epiphany’s skilled team will gently guide our time together. Our times together will include relaxing improvised music and reflective thoughts for each day. The rest of the time will give you opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by the beautiful surroundings of Scargill House, have a Sound Portrait with Epiphany’s musicians, or to engage in art and nature explorations with Tamara Jackson, as well as opportunity for conversation and sharing ideas. Bring your musical instruments, cameras or art materials and enjoy stretching your creativity!

More information about Epiphany can be found at www.epiphanymusic.org.uk

If you would like to attend, but the cost of the ticket is a difficulty for you, then contact Phil in confidence about a bursary to help with the cost.

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