Donna Worthington is an experienced retreat giver. Having studied Theology at Cambridge, Donna completed an MPhil at Manchester University, while developing a local theology in the context of working as a street theologian on a marginalised housing estate in Blackburn, Lancashire. | Donna is a trained teacher and is also trained in spiritual direction, works with the arts and well-being and is trained in mindfulness and also grief counselling. Donna has MAs in Theatre Directing, Writing and TV Production (The Star-Gazer film was shown on Granada TV in 2000) and is trained in Storytelling. She has written several plays including Illumination (Durham Cathedral and touring) written in the light of the Lindisfarne Gospel Exhibition, Blackbirds At Dawn, created to raise awareness of human trafficking and wrote and performed a one-woman production of Desert Mother, developed to explore Christian contemplative prayer. She has led creative workshops with all ages and on various themes, including exploring the Gospels through theatre and movement. She also explores dream-prayer and how to pray through movement.

Upcoming programmes featuring Donna Worthington

The woman who anointed Jesus

23–25 May 2025 (Fri–Sun)

with Donna Worthington

Diving deep into this beautiful Gospel text, we will explore this incredible Gospel passage in creative and prayerful ways, through drama, reflection, discussion, prayer etc….

Spaces available for £168.50

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