Scargill offers a wide range of holidays, conferences and retreats. Some are led by members of the Scargill Community, and others by external speakers. On most dates you can also come as a private guest rather than attend something from our programme.
Everyone is welcome at Scargill House. Visit on your own, come with your family or friends, bring a church or group. Whatever works for you!
February 2025
Maybe Marlene Dietrich was right. Perhaps that’s what we need, especially at this time of year, when Saint Valentine is peering over our shoulders. How…
Fully booked with waiting list
Something very special happens when Scargill House is transformed into Narnia. C.S. Lewis’ beloved stories come to life in a fresh way as we travel…
Fully booked with waiting list
This week will be an opportunity to rest and relax in a Scargillian Narnian atmosphere! There will be a reflection each day and plenty of…
Spaces available for £316
Henri Nouwen, beloved author, priest, and world-famous counsellor and guide, understood the challenges and joys of the spiritual life. Anna and Phil will explore some…
Fully booked with waiting list
Living without a partner – love it or hate it, nearly all of us experience life as a single adult at least for a while….
Fully booked with waiting list
March 2025
Learn how to cut and assemble glass ready for fusing in the kiln which I will be bringing along. Your work will be fired over…
Fully booked with waiting list
In between spaces can be exciting, uncomfortable and full of uncertainty, but they are also places of reconciliation, places where bridges are built, uniting us…
Fully booked with waiting list
Is there any reason for Faith? Has Science replaced God? When there is so much suffering can we believe in a God of love? Can…
Fully booked with waiting list
There will be a warm welcome for you at this Quiet Day led by Scargill Community. This day will be a mix of input sessions,…
Online spaces available
Join us for this Lent retreat where we will follow the life of Jesus from his baptism to the cross through the eyes of artists…
Spaces available for £326
A men’s retreat – escape into the adventure – in the rugged and inspiring Yorkshire Dales. We will spend time learning about how men met…
Spaces available for £168.50
A retreat for those who make lace of any kind – bobbin, needle, crochet, tatting. We shall explore how our craft can help us to…
Spaces available for £326
A chance to reflect on the way God is with us in the everyday and the extraordinary. In the mild, the manic and the mundane….
Spaces available for £326
Come and enjoy a weekend of company and conversation while exploring the beautiful landscape around Scargill. We will spend Saturday out in the hills with…
Spaces available for £168.50
It is sometimes called the Third Gospel and it is commonly supposed that the author was a doctor. But there are many distinct aspects of…
Full for residential guests with waiting list
Online spaces available for £50
Jesus went into the Synagogue in Nazareth and said: ’The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to bring good news to the poor!’ He…
Spaces available for £168.50
April 2025
We heard this a thousand times during car journeys with our small children. Some believe that, if we live long enough, pray with sufficient devotion,…
Limited spaces remaining for £168.50
Join the Scargill Community on a journey through the events of Holy Week. There will be reflections, rest and prayer stations as we journey with…
Limited spaces remaining for £516.25
Online spaces available for £50
Join the Scargill Community on a journey through the events of Holy Week. There will be reflections, rest and prayer stations as we journey with…
Spaces available for £248.25
Beginning with a special meal on Maundy Thursday, we travel together through the agony of Good Friday, the trembling hope of Saturday, and the wonder…
Limited spaces remaining for £326
Phew! Just when you thought you couldn’t go on, along comes a week at Scargill designed just for you! Drop everything and book in for…
Spaces available for £244.50
Phew! Just when you thought you couldn’t go on, along comes a weekend at Scargill designed just for you! Drop everything and book in for…
Fully booked with waiting list
**WE HAVE SPACE FOR 2 MORE GUESTS** This course is for those who have already done a basic Enneagram course, either here or somewhere else….
Limited spaces remaining for £326
Taking the theme of Psalm 18:19 ‘He brought me out into a spacious place’, Shaun and Mike will help us inhabit our God-given spacious place…
Fully booked with waiting list
May 2025
The call of the wild, the feel of the holy: Finding pilgrimage
5–9 May 2025 (Mon–Fri)
with Russ Parker
‘And how blessed all those in whom you live, Whose lives become roads you travel.’ (Psalm 84: 5, The Message Translation.) Pilgrimage is not so…
Spaces for residential guests for £326
Online spaces available for £50
Come and discover the wild moorlands and mountains of the Limestone Dales and the beautiful valleys below. We will be climbing some of the highest…
Fully booked with waiting list
Self-love(d): Mindful journeys to loving God, neighbour AND self
12–16 May 2025 (Mon–Fri)
with Bishop Chris Edmondson and Karen Openshaw
We seem to live in a world obsessed with ‘me time’ and ‘self-love’ but, ironically, one where self-esteem is cripplingly poor. How well do you…
Spaces available for £326
The Kingdom of God is about forming and growing communities of hope and healing in a changing church and world. Come and sit around ‘the…
Spaces available for £326
A weekend to share the questions, joys and challenges of intentional community living. Is the Holy Spirit calling Christians into different forms of intentional community…
Spaces available for £168.50
There will be a warm welcome for you at this Quiet Day led by Scargill Community. This day will be a mix of input sessions,…
Online spaces available
Diving deep into this beautiful Gospel text, we will explore this incredible Gospel passage in creative and prayerful ways, through drama, reflection, discussion, prayer etc….
Spaces available for £168.50
Phew! Just when you thought you couldn’t go on, along comes a weekend at Scargill designed just for you! Drop everything and book in for…
Spaces available for £168.50
**ONLY A FEW SINGLE ROOMS LEFT FOR THIS EVENT** This half term, with the help of the loveable pair of Wallace and Gromit, we will…
Limited spaces remaining for £276
June 2025
Discover the varied birdlife that calls the beautiful Yorkshire Dales home in Spring. With Scargill House as our base we will explore the area surrounding…
Fully booked with waiting list
In Jesus we encounter the God who cares deeply for us. The God who is endlessly patient and kind, humble and strong. By taking another…
Spaces available for £326
There will be a warm welcome for you at this Quiet Day led by Scargill Community. This day will be a mix of input sessions,…
Online spaces available
This course is for those who have a good working understanding of their Enneagram space. In Enneagram 3 we look at sub- types, continue to…
Spaces available for £326
Whilst many of us may wish that God would wave her wand and sort out all our problems, the Bible clearly shows us thatGod is…
Spaces available for £326
We have been created with a Sabbath-spaced shape within but do not know how to inhabit it. This leaves our experience of the Sabbath anaemic…
Spaces available for £326
The way of the Kingdom – working well together & building effective teams
16–20 June 2025 (Mon–Fri)
with Nicky McGinty
As ministry roles become more complex we need to work out how to collaborate well. How do we create and sustain great teams built on…
Spaces available for £326
Over the last year or so we are not surprised to have heard from more and more Christians who are feeling the strain of maintaining…
Limited spaces remaining for £168.50
Online spaces available for £30
To help celebrate the 60th anniversary in 2025 of one of the world’s most iconic musicals, you’re invited to spend an encouraging and inspiring few…
Spaces available for £326
Jesus said that God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then is accidentally found (Matthew 13.44). At this retreat…
Spaces available for £326
The Book of Leviticus has a bit of reputation – full of food laws and ritual sacrifices – a seemingly out of date instruction manual….
Spaces available for £168.50
From the windswept heather moorlands down to the tranquil riverside meadows, the Yorkshire Dales are exceptionally rich in wildlife. On a series of gentle walks…
Fully booked with waiting list
Strong in love, peaceful; and restful – A retreat in the company of Julian of Norwich
30 Jun–4 Jul 2025 (Mon–Fri)
with Ian and Gail Adams
An invitation to explore the gift of Julian of Norwich, in the spacious and beautiful setting of Scargill. The title – Strong in love, peaceful…
Spaces available for £326
July 2025
In tune with heaven: hymns and hymn writers
11–13 July 2025 (Fri–Sun)
with Bishop Chris Edmondson and John Brooke
Join us as we explore the stories behind the music and words of some of our great hymns, and learn what encouraged those who created…
Spaces available for £168.50
There will be a warm welcome for you at this Quiet Day led by Scargill Community. This day will be a mix of input sessions,…
Online spaces available
Welcome to our summer extravaganza, whatever your age or budget (you can even bring your own tent). You’ll enjoy our packed programme with a rich…
Fully booked with waiting list
August 2025
Welcome to our summer extravaganza, whatever your age or budget. You’ll enjoy our packed programme with a rich mix of teaching and worship. Summerfest features…
Fully booked with waiting list
**CAMPING IS FULL FOR THIS EVENT AND WE ONLY HAVE STANDARD SINGLE ROOMS AVAILABLE** Welcome to our summer extravaganza, whatever your age or budget (you…
Fully booked with waiting list
Making a Musical: ZAC – The story of Zacchaeus from Luke 19
16–23 August 2025 (Sat–Sat)
with Roger Jones and team
Come and learn Roger’s latest musical in a week. The musical follows how the diminutive Chief Tax Collector climbs a tree to get a sight…
Limited spaces remaining for £516.25