This was posted on 18 December 2022.

Dear Friends

The Community wish you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas – that we all may know the love and light of the Christ-child in our hearts.

Thank you to those of you who joined us for the Prayer Day, and for those of you who joined us in the evening. We were very encouraged by the Prayer Day and I am working through the many responses that we received. Needless to say, we would continue to value your prayers for the Community and for new members to join us.

The Community will having a holiday from Monday 20th December and, if all goes to plan, will be back to welcome guests for the New Year House Party starting on Wednesday 29th December.

If you wish to join us online on New Year’s Day we are having livestreamed worship at 11:45am on Saturday 1st January 2022. It would be wonderful if you could join us.

On Saturday 8th January 2022 there will be an Epiphany-themed online Quiet Day that Phil Stone and Felicity Lawson will be leading, collaborating with ReSource.

Our Wednesday livestream Evening Prayers will begin again at 4:30pm on Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Here is Di’s reflection which is all about the wonder of light. Enjoy!

Diane writes:
‘We are like moths, drawn to the light’ well not quite the quote I was expecting, but it did make me chuckle – have a think why?! 

Two weeks ago, Advent Sunday, Phil and I were walking up to the main house when I took this photo. I was first attracted to the light on the smoke from the wood-chip boiler and then the light from the dining room. But when I looked at the photo I also saw the light from the star, and the row of lights along the path.

Advent photo of Phil

Have you ever given much thought to light? What does it mean? On both the natural and spiritual levels of life, it dispels darkness. Do you remember when the clocks went back, suddenly the world felt darker, the nights began to draw in and soon the mornings followed. It is winter, there is a cold, dark and damp feeling to life. Often people feel low in the winter.  Perhaps darkness perhaps suggests ignorance.

Children are afraid of the dark because of ignorance, we learn that knowledge can dispel our fears and bring peace to our hearts. Maybe it also suggests uncertainty. Today we have uncertainty, often the news stirs up – fear of the future, fear of the present. The world is in a state of fear because of uncertainty. We want security and for me there is only one security and that is in God himself. 

For whom has Christ come? For whom has God given the precious gift of His Son? Christ has come for all, for the entire world.

Luke tells us Jesus was born during the night watch, at midnight, when it was pitch black outside, the time when the darkness was the deepest and most intense. On that first Christmas night, the light shined in the darkness (John), the glory of the Lord shone (Luke), the darkness has not overcome it (John), and it enlightens everyone (John).

The light of Christ can dispel fears of many kinds.

Was Phil being drawn to the light, like a moth, or was the light revealing the path he was to travel? Either way, let us in this season of Advent, look about to find the signs of light and let us be signs of light for others. Drawing them to the Good News of Christmas Day.

With love and prayers to you all this Christmas time

Phil, Di and the Scargill Community

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