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Posts from 2014
There is a lot of talk about immigration, and it will be a major factor in next year’s general election. I find the rhetoric, that…
Posted on 18 November 2014
Tagged: fear, honouring the stranger, immigration, Jesus, love, Observer, rule of life, Scargill, St John, St Paul
This week, in what has been a mini heat wave at Scargill, we encountered a six foot Bore (tidal wave), which came down the River…
Posted on 27 July 2014
Tagged: community, Jesus, River Wharfe, rule of life, scargill movement, twinning toilets, Wateraid
Hey I’m back! In fact we have been back just over a month from our travels to Australia and New Zealand. You will be hearing…
Posted on 26 April 2014
Tagged: community, easter, Emmaus, jars of clay, Jesus, Resurrection, Rowan Williams, scargill movement
Well we have made it safely to Australia. – no dramas. We managed to get on the right jets at the right time in the…
Posted on 28 January 2014
Tagged: Billy Graham, Ephesians 5:18, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Psalm 63, Scargill, Simon Ponsonby
Not sure how this happened but this blog has gone missing – so here it is again…. Traveling can be bit of an ordeal. Di…
Posted on 22 January 2014
Tagged: Adrian Plass, Australia, community, henri nowen, Journeys, prayer, Scargill