This was posted on 31 January 2022.

We’ll let Remiel introduce himself.

Hello, my dear friends! My name is Remiel from Hong Kong, one of the newest members of community. I am so happy that one of my friends, a guest here, suggested me to come here. Because at that time I wished to join a community and also, I can learn about how to build good community life in Europe. And learn how to be a good community builder in the future, especially in the European church. So now I was invited to join the kitchen team. We work hard every day but I am learning a lot form the kitchen team. I am learning to work with people from different backgrounds. I’m learning very practical skills both in the kitchen and our daily life. I hope I will learn a lot and that I will find an enjoyable life here at Scargill.

What have you enjoyed so far?

I have enjoyed the work in the kitchen, the bible study group time, prayers, and having some time for silence and learning. I can learn how to adjust my manner with the people and the guests.

You’ve got the practical stuff in the kitchen, preparing meals for people, a bit like Jesus prepared a meal for his disciples, that’s the spiritual principle. Are there any other spiritual things we do you’ve enjoyed?

I think it’s quite hard to separate out different parts of one’s spirituality. Because when I was serving the meals to the guests, I think this is very important to my spiritual life. I can try to practise how to be hospitable to different needs, as well as pick up on people’s feelings. I would also like to practise group leading during the dinner times. We are invited to talk to our guests, to listen, perhaps to draw out someone who is quieter.

Brilliant! And what were you doing in Hong Kong?

Before coming to Scargill I was working as a freelancer, doing translation, teaching, and telephone interviews. Before that I was finishing a Master’s degree in theology.

You’ve already visited London, Leeds, Skipton and Grassington, what motivates your curiosity?

I have visited friends and of course curiosity is a very good reason. For Skipton I want to experience and feel how life is lived by people here. Another reason is going to a church which has a connection with me.

You’re from a Lutheran background?

Yes, yes, I am!

Can you say a prayer for us?

Dear Lord thank you that we can meet in Scargill and keep learning here. And keep growing as well. We can come together in a community the way Jesus came together with his disciples. Jesus, I pray you shape us in this kind of community life. Also, a blessing on our guests from different places, from Britain and different cultures. I would like to send blessings to people from different countries. My prayer is also for the Hong Kong people. Please hear our prayer in Jesus’ name Amen.

Thank you Remiel, may your stay here be a blessing as you bless us!

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