This was posted on 29 October 2021.

On Saturday 23 rd October 2021 at 2 p.m. a tree was planted in memory of the
martyred Ugandan Archbishop Janani Luwum in the Marsh Garden at Scargill
House by his son Andrew Luwum and the Revd Canon Phil Stone, Director of
Scargill. A plaque originally erected in memory of the Archbishop at St. John’s
College Nottingham on the 18 April 1977 just two months after Janini’s tragic
death was also relocated, following the closure of St. John’s. In the original
ceremony in 1977 in Nottingham a tree was also planted, which sadly blew
down in high winds in 2012.
The service of remembrance was attended by many people including, Andrew
the Archbishop’s son, his wife Harriet and daughter Precious Samalie, as well
as Canon Dr Christina Baxter CBE and Bishop Colin Buchanan, both former
Principals of St. John’s Nottingham, former students, and Mrs Kate Galpin (86)
who was a missionary with her husband Alan in Northern Uganda when Janini
was Bishop there.
A longer article will appear in the next Momentum magazine.

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