This was posted on 6 January 2013.

As a New Year begins Phil offers some advice on a good way to start your year…

Today is January the 6th, the Feast of Epiphany, the Wise Men have turned up and how are you doing with those New Year resolutions?

It seems to me that New Year resolutions are in general just a good way of pouring guilt upon ourselves. But perhaps what we can do this New Year is make sure to focus on those main priorities and make sure we get them into our life. The things that are most important to us, the things that give us life. Get those things in! I know from bitter experience that if you don’t do this it is hard to fit them into a life busy with a lot of schedules.

So if I was to give any advice, and this advice is as much for me as it is for anyone else – get those main priorities in first before any other well-meaning plans. For us as a community at Scargill at the start of this New Year we will be having a retreat this week. It is an opportunity to reflect, to pray, to rest and hopefully have some fun together. An opportunity to take stock and ask the big questions to talk about what gave us life this last year as well as what drained us and what have we learned from that.

At the start of this New Year we celebrate the Wise Men’s devoted, dedicated journey to Bethlehem to find the Christ-child. It was their main priority. It was what they wanted to do. Let’s make sure that in the same way we have got our life giving priorities at the top of the agenda. It could be working out holidays, days off, retreats, watching a film every Friday night with a glass of wine. Whatever it may be let’s get those life giving moments in early and everything else can fit around them.

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