
Residential stays require a non-refundable deposit of £50 per adult and £20 per child to complete a booking. The balance of the fees is required by 4 weeks before arrival. Day events are paid in full at the time of booking. Bookings are not complete until you have received confirmation from Scargill Movement.

If you are able to pay by bank transfer we’d be most grateful, as there are no charges to us if you use this method. Our bank details are: 

Bank: Co-operative Bank
Account Name: Scargill Movement
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65444465

Please use your booking confirmation number and your surname as a payment reference. Alternatively you can either pay by card on the phone with our admin team or put a cheque in the post (payable to Scargill Movement).


The programme brochure and the website contains the current fees as well as other relevant information. However, we reserve the right to amend them without notice prior to the receipt of a booking. Prices include VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to alter prices to reflect any change in the VAT rate.

Our bursary fund enables us to offer, at our discretion, a discount to those who otherwise may not be able to afford a visit. To enquire about a bursary, please send a request to the Director


Sadly, we have to apply charges for all cancellations. We are a charity, and late cancellations severely compromise our budget as well as depriving others of the opportunity to attend. We obviously don’t like asking you for money if you can’t come, but we still incur costs. In addition it is difficult to resell places at short notice, and so we lose further income. We therefore recommend that you take out travel insurance or be prepared to bear the following charges should you cancel:

  • More than 8 weeks before arrival – your deposit
  • Within 8 weeks of arrival – 50% of full fees
  • Within 4 weeks of arrival – full fees

Under exceptional circumstances and subject to availability, it may be possible to transfer a deposit to an alternative event within six months.

Change of programme

Although the vast majority of programmes run as advertised, we reserve the right to make changes to the speaker, title or programme content where it may occasionally become necessary. If these changes are significant, we will inform those already booked.

Other points to note

  • All under-18s must be booked in with an adult. This adult is responsible for the child at all times during their stay
  • Smoking is not allowed in any of our buildings
  • As much as we love animals at Scargill House we do not permit our guests to bring pets with them when they stay with us, including day visits. The ONLY exception is for assistance dogs. It is not permitted to leave any animals in a car while you attend an event at Scargill House
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