If Jesus himself is the pathway to heaven, we need to look carefully at the way in which he lived his life. The things that we discover will be the foundation on which we build the promises we make to God, the Scargill Community and, equally importantly, to ourselves.

We see Jesus speaking regularly and passionately to his heavenly Father. As well as talking he knew how important it was to listen. Praying and worshipping together is at the heart of our Community life. So do you agree to join the community in its rhythm of prayer in every working day, the Sunday service, and the Community communion each week? – I do

Jesus used scriptures to teach, illustrate, comfort and discipline. He must have studied them. The Bible can inspire, inform and teach. It is there because God loves us and wants to help, so we agree to read it regularly. Prayer can be difficult, but the example of Jesus shows how important it is to pray alone as well as with others. So are you willing to accept the discipline of regular private reflection through bible reading and daily prayer? – I am

We see Jesus helping and encouraging folk to develop individual gifts and talents that can be used to serve God and other people. We can look forward to using, discovering and being surprised by the gifts that God has given to us and to the people around us. Are you willing to actively encourage and nurture the gifts you see in one another? – I am
We see Jesus obeying his heavenly Father to the point of crucifixion. He could not have done this without the knowledge that his Father loved him deeply. This relationship was at the centre of his life. Are you willing to explore what it might mean to understand this for yourself, and to aim at living in obedience to Jesus and to one another when appropriate? – This is scary and demanding, but I am willing.

We see Jesus enjoying and valuing the natural world. God has generously entrusted us with a very beautiful part of the
environment, so are you willing to be involved in carefully looking after his gift to us? – I am

Jesus had no hidden agenda. He never gossiped nor betrayed anyone. He supported and encouraged and told the truth, even when people didn’t want to hear it. Each of his followers was special and different. He created community by being consistently and constructively loving. Are you prepared to learn to live generously with others, willing to be known for who you are and ready to accept other people in love? Will you say nothing about another person that could not be said to them personally if love and wisdom required it? – I will

We see Jesus caring for all, especially those who suffer, boldly demanding that the hungry should be fed, the sick looked after, the naked clothed and victims of injustice released from their chains. The need to welcome visitors and strangers as we would welcome Jesus himself is clear, but deeply challenging. So are you willing to welcome strangers as you would welcome Jesus himself, putting their needs before yours and treating each one as a royal guest? Are you willing to be a voice for the voiceless and work towards lessening poverty and injustice? – I am

At times, filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus took risks, going off at strange tangents and providing, creative, unexpected answers to impossible questions. We need straight paths, but we also recognise that pathways will sometimes twist and turn. Are you willing to be caught up in the ingenious creativity and adventurous life of the Holy Spirit? – I am
Love, laughter and generosity are central values in our Community. We see Jesus taking great pleasure in receiving and giving unexpected treats to other people. Are you willing to do likewise?

– Oh Yes! And with God’s help, with encouragement and guidance from the brothers and sisters who share this pathway, I promise to try my very best to follow the example set by Jesus – and to laugh often with him, and with them.

We, your brothers and sisters who share this pathway, warmly welcome you, and we will love and encourage you in your life and service with us. With God’s help we will try our very best to follow the example set by Jesus, and to live the pathway set out before us.

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