Will you speak often and regularly to our heavenly Father, on your own and with others, as well
as unwrapping God’s gift of the Bible, allowing it to teach, illustrate, comfort and discipline?

Will you offer everything you do and are to our heavenly Father to use as he wishes, trusting that
he will enable you to mean it, and to endure the consequences?

With God’s help, and with encouragement and guidance from the brothers and sisters who share
this pathway, I promise to try my very best to follow the example of Jesus.

Will you enjoy and carefully look after whichever part of the world has been generously entrusted
to you by God?

Will you strengthen community through kindness and love, being sensible enough to keep the
moaning inside and a smile on your face until the right moment arrives to honestly release your
complaints. Will you aim to be consistently and constructively loving?

With God’s help, and with encouragement and guidance from the brothers and sisters who share
this pathway, I promise to try my very best to follow the example of Jesus.

Will you welcome visitors and strangers as you would welcome Jesus himself, putting their needs
before yours and treating each one as a royal guest?

Will you speak up bravely for people who are rarely heard, helping our heavenly Father to fulfill
his dream of seeing the hungry fed, the sick looked after, the naked clothed and victims of
injustice released from their chains?   

With God’s help, and with encouragement and guidance from the brothers and sisters who share
this pathway, I promise to try my very best to follow the example of Jesus.
Will you enjoy giving and receiving lots of treats – and laugh often!

With God’s help, and with encouragement and guidance from the brothers and sisters who share
this pathway, I promise to try my very best to follow the example of Jesus.

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