These terms and conditions usually apply for online events only. 

If you are staying at Scargill as part of an in person booking, or if you are unsure what set of terms and conditions apply to you, please contact the Admin Team


Online events are paid in full at the time of booking. Bookings are not complete until you have received confirmation from Scargill Movement.

If you are able to pay by bank transfer we’d be most grateful, as there are no charges to us if you use this method. Our bank details are: 

  • Co-operative Bank
  • Account Name: Scargill Movement
  • Sort Code: 08-92-99
  • Account Number: 65444465

Please use your booking confirmation number and your surname as a payment reference. Alternatively you can either pay by card on the phone with our admin team or put a cheque in the post (payable to Scargill Movement).


The programme brochure and the website contains the current fees as well as other relevant information. However, we reserve the right to amend them without notice prior to the receipt of a booking. Prices include VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to alter prices to reflect any change in the VAT rate.

Our bursary fund enables us to offer, at our discretion, a discount to those who otherwise may not be able to afford a booking. To enquire about a bursary, please send a request to the Director, Phil Stone


Sadly, we are unable to offer refunds on booked online tickets, exept in exeptional circumstances at our discretion. We will do our best to enable you access to any recordings that might have been made. Please contact our admin team, if you require any assistance with this.

Change of programme

Although the vast majority of programmes run as advertised, we reserve the right to make changes to the speaker, title or programme content where it may occasionally become necessary. If these changes are significant, we will inform those already booked.

Online event participation and recording

Some online events will be conducted entirely online, while others are held in a hybrid format. The event type is marked on the programme or the website. Online attendees will participate via a virtual platform (usually Zoom), which requires an internet connection and compatible device (e.g. computer, tablet or smartphone). We recommend ensuring your device is set up and tested for compatibility before the event.

Please be aware that any hybrid or online event might be recorded. The recordings are usually made available to the participants of the event. By joining the event, you consent to the recording.

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