We heard this a thousand times during car journeys with our small children. Some believe that, if we live long enough, pray with sufficient devotion, and organise regular moral spring- cleaning sessions, we might discover a spiritual destination offering peace and relaxation. The fact is, though, that daily survival is very much more about our living relationship with Jesus, who as the Son of God, faced continual troubles and challenges. He promised to leave his Spirit with us, so, while exploring how Jesus was sustained in his daily commitment to a very tough call, let’s also explore WIJD. What is Jesus doing right now in us – if we let him?


Adrian and Bridget Plass

Bridget and Adrian have been married for fifty-two years and have four adult children. Adrian has written over forty books. Adrian and Bridget (both writers and speakers) have enjoyed presenting and teaching together in just about every setting you can imagine, and some you probably cannot. A major highlight was their time spent living on Community and helping with the revival of Scargill House.
Adrian and Bridget Plass's website

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